Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joy turns to frustration and a lot of Grrrrrrrr...

 First I felt like this: Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

Then I felt like this: Huh? You want me to mix what with the what?

Then I felt like this: I'm gonna kill you cause I don't understand!!!

Now I feel like this: I can't do this. Whaaaahhh!!!

The items on my table have been staring at me for 2 days intimidating me. I've been looking at them, but I don't go near them. I wave from the other side of the room. "Hello soap things. I'm so happy you're here!" Then I run away.  They woke me up last night calling my name. "Annggie...Annggie...ANGIE!.."  So today I swallowed hard and approached the table. I snatched up the recipe the company sent with my "starter kit". Starter being the key word. Here it is:

Can you see it? Can you see this tiny slip of paper? This is all I got in the instruction category! I've never even seen this stuff before and you're gonna send me this? Right. What part of STARTER do you not understand? STARTER kits are for STARTER PEOPLE, are they not?!? (PLEASE REFER TO PHOTO #3) To be fair, there is a book, but you aren't exactly looking at the book about procedure when you're making soap with hot lye in your hands. You're looking at the recipe. Am I right? Nod and say yes.

 I have been reading. And reading, and reading, and reading, and I know enough to see that there are a few things missing on this mighty mini soap recipe. Luckily I have joined a soap forum where I can beg for help from people who actually know what the *bleep* they're doing. After several emails, I'm feeling a lot more like this:

 Never fear. Soon there shall be soap!


  1. Thanks! There is a lot more to this soap thing than meets the eye! I mean, it is chemistry after all and I hate numbers sooo...

    But no. I shant give up!
