Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I hear angels singing and I'm hyperventilating!

Look! Look! Look! It's here! It's here! It's here! (So is my foot)
I'm shaking as I open it...
It is magnifique!!

I am SO excited! But wait. I can't do anything until... It's okay...I can just stare at it for a while. Sigh...


  1. What's gonna be your first scent/type?

  2. They sent me Rosehip Jasmine and something called Energy with the color Fuschia to add. They sent a recipe but no title on it. I might have to email them for more details. There are Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils and these aren't labeled either one.

  3. YAY! You have to give me some of that Rosehip Jasmine!

  4. I know Andrea! I was thrilled when I saw what they sent me! Maybe I can get a batch done in time for your baby shower and bring you a bar or two?!?

  5. That would be awesome! Liam will appreciate a smelly good mamma.
