In soap making, there is something called lye heavy. Now I know what it looks like:
Not pretty.
When you cut your soap, it's supposed to be firm, but still soft. Not brittle. This stuff cut like a frozen chocolate bar.
A couple of things went wrong here. First, I think my scale was off. Second, I may have added too much fragrance oil which I've read can throw things off. It is chemistry and has to be pretty exact. Also, I tried to adjust the recipe for the size of my mold. Apparently not a good idea for a newbie. I think it threw everything off.
Disposing of this presents another problem. You can't use lye heavy soap for anything at all, and you have to be careful how you get rid of it. I'm asking the experts at to let me know.
So...batch one, EPIC FAIL. But I am not discouraged because this is how you learn, right?
Let's try this again, shall we?
It is how you learn. Don't give up! Soon you'll be making the best soap ever and your house will always smell so, so good, hehe.