Tomorrow should be the day that I get my kit of great stuff to make soap! That's what the tracking number says, anyway. You don't always have to purchase a kit, but because I'm a homemade soap virgin, I thought it made more sense to trust someone else to put everything I need for a batch of cold processes soap together, rather than set about trying to find it myself. Especially since I don't know what I am actually looking for.
Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to show you how the pre-packaged kit is shipped and all it's glorious contents. Can't wait! However, my husband made me pinkie swear that I wouldn't actually make any soap until he gets home because he is afraid that his wife will blow up the house. Oh you didn't read that? Look at my previous post with the list of things you need to make soap and all about the LYE.
Catch me tomorrow and we'll have some fun. Pinkie swear! ;)
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