Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Eye of the Tiger. Roar!

What I learned today; I am NOT a soap cutter. My husband bought me a mitre box to help me cut my soap straight. He is a detail man about things like that. My last batch drove him crazy because it was crooked. There is not a single detail thing about me. I deem my husband and his O.C.D., the official cutter of the soap, forthwith! (The mitre box didn't help me at all.)

I did not swirl deeply enough. My swirl stayed mostly on the top of the bar. Perhaps I had more time to swirl than I thought I did, but live and learn.

Try to ignore how crooked this bar of soap is. 
Thanks. ;)                 

I cut the top 1/4 inch off the top because the swirl was prettier underneath. I can use the scraps for rebatching, where you shred the cured soap into something you can use in a future batch.

But I am not unhappy with my result. It's not what I was expecting or even trying for, but I like it.

I also wanted to show you the difference in the color after 24 hours. See what I mean? You can't tell anything about your soap until it sits. It may change even more in the next few weeks.

Look at all the crooked bars. Various sizes and shapes. So pretty. (Hey, perfection is in the eye of the beholder!) 

If I was going to name this soap, I'd call it, Eye of the Tiger. The color is hard to see because I have not mastered the art of the blog photo, but it is a pale sort of rusted orange with very pretty copper-ish swirls. The smell is a very subtle citrus and I don't notice that the paprika or cocoa powder added much to the scent at all, but as the soap cures, that too can change.

I wonder if I have time to get one more batch in before I leave town?!?! Maybe I will master the mitre box by then. Eh, probably not.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Chocolate Citrus Swirl

Today I decided to try my hand at the swirl! I wanted to work with what I have at home because I am getting ready to go see this little man...

Liam Garrad Alexander

and I didn't want an order of base oils and essential fragrances sitting on my doorstep in the heat all weekend.

I had 6 oils and some citrus fragrance left over from previous batches, but I REALLY wanted to try something with COLOR! Who knew that paprika and cocoa powder work wonderfully?!  In this batch, I colored my base soap with paprika and swirled in my cocoa powder. In order to use the paprika for color, I mixed 1 Tbls. of paprika with 1 Tbls. of olive oil BEFORE I added it to the rest of the batch to keep it from clumping. I mixed 2 cups of uncolored soap with 2 Tsp. of cocoa powder and reserved it for the swirl.  

I am learning to pour the soap evenly into the pans. It begins to gel right away and I still forget and usually find I don't have enough time to even it out in the pans. This is especially true when you want to swirl, because you have to work quickly to get the second color into the base.

I used a bizarre piece of a plastic I found in my junk drawer; a handle to something but I have no idea what, to drag through the soap to make the swirl. That was the fun part!

I am quite happy with the colors. Granted, it's more of a fall /Halloween/ Thanksgiving combination, but as I said, I was working with what I had at the moment. I added citrus fragrance oil because I was kind of going for a chocolate orange thing. I will have to wait to see what kind of smell develops. I almost wish I hadn't added the fragrance at all. The smell was interesting and kind of like honey when I added the chocolate swirl, but you can't judge the scent of the soap before it cures. It changes dramatically.

Tomorrow let's cut it and see if the swirl was successful! Cutting the soap after 24 hours is like opening a present and you never know what you're gonna get!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It ain't pretty but it's soap!

 My first batch ever of actual soap!
These pictures are pretty bad and I'll do better next time, but Houston, we have soap! It unmolded and cut like a dream. It smells awesome too!

 A big, beautiful, block of soap from the silicone loaf pan mold. This pan unmolds very easily. You just sort of pull it off the soap. Nice.

Acrylic mold- I had to put this mold in the freezer for a few minutes but it released the soap easily. You can see how it is much more like a commercial bar of soap.

18 bars of actual soap!!

The bars on the right are from the silicone bread pan mold. Nice big soaps which I will use again when I want to add a top layer of fancy stuff. The bars on the left are from the acrylic mold which is much more uniform. I still like the big chunky ones better. This was a 3.5 pound batch of soap and it made 10 large and 8 small bars. If you ever get into making soap, you'll see how batch size and molds are somewhat confusing.

This soap will sit and cure for 4-6 weeks. In that time, the pH goes to the proper place so you can use it on your skin. The water evaporates and the bar becomes hard and usable. I have a curing room set up in my house.

This recipe consists of olive oil, coconut oil, and palm oil with rose hip jasmine fragrance. It's simple and a beginner recipe, but if you find a good base recipe, there is no end to what you can do with it. It's like a really great cookie dough.

Now what am I going to use these very plain bars of soap for? I will use them for sure, but I can also do something called re-batching where you shred it and use in another soap. I can't wait to use color and additives. I just had to get the process down first. Now I am moving on to something much more creative... hopefully. Can't wait!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Soap babies all nice and cozy...

Well this old gal finally got up the energy and nerve to make a second batch of soap. For some reason, there was enough energy left at the end of the day to put it all together. I could tell right away that it was going to be a much better batch than the first one. The first batch traced immediately, an indication of too much lye. I also mixed this batch at a warmer temperature which made a big difference in the texture and the pour.

Just look at my sleeping babies all wrapped up in their blankets...er, beach towels. 5 in all. They stay like this for 24 hours and hopefully are gelling as we speak!

I used my Rose hip Jasmine fragrance oil for this one because I REALLY did not like the last sent I used in that ugly batch. I am going to start buying essential oils instead of fragrance oils. Essential oils are actually plant extracts with real benefits for your skin.

Here is my next project:
He's so excited!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Soap Batch FAIL!

In soap making, there is something called lye heavy. Now I know what it looks like:

Not pretty. 
When you cut your soap, it's supposed to be firm, but still soft. Not brittle. This stuff cut like a frozen chocolate bar.

A couple of things went wrong here. First, I think my scale was off. Second, I may have added too much fragrance oil which I've read can throw things off. It is chemistry and has to be pretty exact. Also, I tried to adjust the recipe for the size of my mold. Apparently not a good idea for a newbie. I think it threw everything off.

Disposing of this presents another problem. You can't use lye heavy soap for anything at all, and you have to be careful how you get rid of it. I'm asking the experts at http://www.forum.soap-making-supplies-blog.com/index.php to let me know.

So...batch one, EPIC FAIL. But I am not discouraged because this is how you learn, right?

Let's try this again, shall we?